How to Improve Your Company’s Cybersecurity


Cybersecurity covers a set of safety events designed to protect confidential information stored on our computers.

Measures as simple as telling Windows to request a password before entering our cybersecurity events. But, for example, if our PINs were in a conspicuous home where anyone who enters the office can write them down and arrive from home, it would be a massive security breach that we cannot allow.

online cybersecurity degrees must always be base on prevention; you have to be suspicious and put yourself in the worst possible situation.

Not because the neighbor will necessarily do us industrial espionage, but to avoid the mere possibility of it happening.

Let’s see some essential cybersecurity tips that you could put into operation in your business right now.

Five tips to improve cybersecurity

Many companies think that nobody will ever happen to them. However, cybersecurity and by extension, cyberinsurance, are necessary for everyone

The truth is that cybercriminals are not careful about opening security holes in a company’s computer system.

In this post, we’d like to give you some tips on how you can be more careful about protecting your computers.

1. Never give intimate information online

One of the dangers you may face is contacting a suspected company via email or phone to request confidential information.

In all cases, it is easy to verify that they are not who they say they are. For example, the email sender never comes from a genuine company email (bank, Compañía de la Luz, Google, etc.). However, it has a similar domain or with some variations.

2. Do not install any programs unless you know the manufacturer

Another source of viruses is the software we download from the Internet because we think it is harmless. You may think you are downloading an antivirus program, but what you are downloading is dangerous malware disguised as an antivirus program.

You can’t take any chances online. Never download anything from an unknown manufacturer on the Internet. Over time, you will learn to bypass download websites and always rely on downloading programs from the manufacturer’s official website or purchasing paid software.

3. Avoid connecting to unauthorized networks

Innocently, you can connect to an open wifi computer network where more people are working through your mobile phone. Wifi networks are a hazard to your privacy. Suppose you click with your business laptop or your smartphone to open wifi networks. In that case, you run the risk that someone can monitor your Internet activity, copy your passwords, get information about you, etc.

4. Create hard-to-guess passwords

One of the methods crackers use to think passwords are “brute force.” It consists of testing passwords until they find the right one. If the password turns out to be easy to guess (it’s the same username, for example), they’ll jump in wherever they want before you know it.

The crackers’ life doesn’t end by entering passwords to see if they work. They have automated programs that try passwords. We need to protect our servers to prevent these attacks and create passwords that are difficult to guess.

5. Use antivirus and a firewall

Are you connecting to the Internet with your company’s Windows computer and no antivirus installed? How brave. The truth is, you are taking a significant risk, and you should take action about it. It is essential to have the necessary security systems to prevent viruses from getting rid of them.

On the other hand, the firewall is an additional vital part of keeping your computer secure. It allows you to stop external attacks from other computers from which someone is trying to connect to your computer.

Is your company harmless?

The most dangerous thing around cybersecurity is that you could be on right now without even realizing it. You may have installed unauthorized programs on your computer that slows down your computer or perform illegal doings from your computer. You could be part of an automaton network without even realizing it.

It is severe enough that if you’ve never stopped to think about cybersecurity, start doing it now. Ask yourself if you have a security company with the security system that you have right now on your business computers.

Cybersecurity plan

Any company cannot implement cybersecurity protocols without doing their due diligence. Different companies have different needs, all of which serve to strengthen your company’s data protection. So check your current setup and check for any possible security holes.

Cybercriminals can potentially exploit these vulnerabilities if they remain vulnerable for too long. No matter how small the problem seems, the longer it is left unattended, the longer it can put your business at risk. Talk to the correct representatives or professionals to learn how you can increase your security.

IT support

Speaking of the right advice: For maximum efficiency, your company should already have an IT department. Your IT team can diagnose any related issues relevant to your current cybersecurity setup. For example, if your traditional firewall is missing, IT pros may suggest new protective measures.

If your company doesn’t have an IT department, contact a third-party IT support. Outsourcing your IT needs is vital, especially if you don’t have the proper inspection expertise

cybersecurity. IT support will develop a plan for your company, which you can modify as your business grows.

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