What is Robotic Introduction, Definition – And More

 What is Robotics, and what is it used for?

For decades, robotic have remained inserted into different areas of our culture and our society. We’ve seen them in theaters, in epic robot movies like Terminator, Yo Robot, and of course, Transformers, which, with Mazinger Z, were legendary Japanese robot cartoons that were with us in our childhood. The past was fiction, and in the present, we are surrounded by different types of robots which provide us with an exciting future.

The introduction of robots into virtually all areas of society is progressing rapidly. A select group of countries is leading the installation of robots worldwide, including the United States, China, Japan, South Korea, and Germany.

Their main goal is to reduce production costs. Although until a few years ago, we only saw them in the industrial sector automating tasks. We also appreciate robots in hotels, bars, restaurants: banks, medical consultations, police, or natural disasters.

Introduction to what Robotics is

Before going deeper into more technical information from Revista de Robots, we want to resolve the meaning of some questions that are not so simple for the general public, such as:

of robotics and meaning of robot

What is a Robot for today?

The origin and linguistic of the robot name.

The story of the first robots

The technology used for its operation

Existing robot models and types

Where robotics remains used today and examples

Definition of Robotics

We can define the sense of robotics as a science that brings together numerous branches of technological disciplines to design robotic machines capable of performing automated tasks or simulating human or animal behavior, depending on the capacity of their software.

Definition of What a Robot is

We define what a robot is as an automaton entity composed of artificial mechanics and an electromechanical system. It remained created from the research of science and technology. A robot differs from a bot in that it is made up of physical and tangible mechanisms, while the bot remains host in software within a virtual system locate in the cloud.

Three Technologies that Improve Productivity

If you are curious to dive into Industry 4.0, we offer three technologies that help companies be more efficient in their production processes.

Six examples of collaborative robots in operation

What is robotic engineering, and what is mechatronics?

Mechatronics engineering remains used to design a robot, which remains made up of various sciences, such as mechanics, electronics, control, computing, and computing. These specialisms make up robotic or mechatronic engineering. Which must remain added to other branches such as algebra, automata, or state machines.

These fundamentals are associate in parallel with other scientific branches such as Artificial Intelligence or Imitation Vision.

History of Robots and Source the First Automata

If we summarize the origin and history of robots, the first attempts to represent man by machines can remain found in ancient Greece. At that time, the first robots were call automata, made by Garza de Alejandría in 85 BC. vs.

Among the old robots of the last century. We must remember the Elektro robot presented in 1937. Also known as “the first robot in history.” It was a 2m tall, 120kg humanoid robot that could walk and speak 700 words.

The first robot in history is the Elektro humanoid robot, which is consider the oldest robot and the first robot. It is perfect for learning the history of robots and where the word robot comes from.

Who Invented Industrial Robotics?

The creator of the first industrial robot was George Charles Devol, and as such. The stands out as the inventor of robotics and the creator of the first robots. Born in Kentucky in 1912.

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